Our report following a visit to The Rosary Nursing Home, a large care home in Bridgwater, which offers nursing and dementia care for residents as well as respite care.
The home can accommodate 102 residents. On the date of the visit 72 residents were living there. Accommodation is provided in two wings, the nursing and the dementia wing, each with its own dining room and lounge.
Add the names of staff to the staff picture board.
Further personalise residents’ doors in the dementia unit, with a larger photo, colour, or related item. Currently, the pictures on the doors (although related to the resident) are quite small.
Consider increasing the range of items used to stimulate residents in the dementia wing lounge, for example, more tactile objects, and individual memory boxes.
There was a strong smell of urine in the corridor by rooms 39-42. The deputy manager said this was due to a resident who chooses to neglect his personal hygiene and does not accept personal care from the staff. The deputy manager told us she would look into what could be done.
We accept that having carpets on the floors is challenging when caring for residents with dementia or other nursing needs, but we suggest some need deep cleaning.
Read our report
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