We are encouraging local people to give their views and experiences of local health and care services following a recently published report on Mendip House in the county.

The Safeguarding Adults Review, commissioned by Somerset’s Safeguarding Adults Board, found that autistic residents at the Highbridge care home were subjected to 'cruel behaviour', bullying and humiliation.
We are keen to hear from patients, carers, staff and families on any health and care services in the county, so that any common themes are picked up and presented to the decision-making organisations – so that the public voice is heard.
Judith Goodchild, chair of Healthwatch Somerset, said:
“We are sad to note the recently published report on Mendip House in Somerset run by the National Autistic Society. It was particularly traumatic for those who had loved ones in care they thought was of a high standard and trusted.
“The courage of the two members of staff who worked at the home reporting their concerns has led to the inspection and ultimately closing of the home.
“Healthwatch Somerset is always open to listening to the concerns from the general public about any issues they have with the healthcare they, or friends and relatives, are receiving.”