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Sep 1, 2021
What should I expect after being referred for mental health support?
Your mental wellness is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting. Here's what to expect when you seek...

Jan 20, 2020
Join the new virtual quality improvement panel at Dorothy House
Help shape the future of services for people living with a life-limiting illness. Dorothy House Hospice Care is looking for people who...

Nov 19, 2019
Dorothy House Hospice Care seeks to improve services for people with life-limiting illness
Dorothy House Hospice Care wants to hear from those with a life-limiting illness, their carers and families about what Day Services they...

Apr 29, 2019
Somerset’s adult safeguarding service to be improved based on new feedback
New feedback gathered by us on the county’s Adult Safeguarding service will be used to improve it for the future. Better communication...

Feb 1, 2018
Healthwatch Somerset calls for more feedback from public
We are encouraging local people to give their views and experiences of local health and care services following a recently published...
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