Our report following a visit to The Manor Care Home provides residential and nursing care for 68 residents of differing adult age groups.
The home was notified about the Enter & View visit two weeks prior to the visit.
The home look into the time it takes for the maintenance service to complete jobs and review the maintenance management.
That the ease of manoeuvrability be considered as a priority when planning future redecoration and floor coverings.
That the home give some thought to how they can define different areas of the home during maintenance and routine redecoration, to assist residents who may have dementia in finding their way around.
Manual handling training is reviewed for all staff and additional training is found where needed.
Consult with ‘Action on Hearing Loss’ and take advice on the installation of hearing loop systems.
Staff recruitment and retention of staff is urgently reviewed and given top priority by the management and Barchester Healthcare.
Review processes concerning how dietary preferences and needs are recorded and communicated to staff.
Attendance at resident/visitor meetings: Making the meeting part of a larger events such as a cheese and wine evening; Ensuring that residents have the opportunity to add to the agenda and receive the agenda well in advance; Inviting guest speakers to talk about a topic of interest such as finance/ care home fees, hobbies and crafts, reminiscence or perhaps even a comedian; Ensuring that residents are able to feed into the agenda in advance and received minutes of meetings, noting in particularly ‘You said we did’ type comments.
This report was produced by the previous Healthwatch Somerset service provider, The Care Forum.
Read our report
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