Tell us what you want us to report in the next 12 months

Your vote matters
Every year, we create a work plan for the next 12 months. This plan is shaped by your feedback and what we’ve learned about health and care services in Somerset over the past year.
We've picked four possible projects for 2025/26 and would love your help in choosing which topic you’d like us to focus on.
A. | Waiting lists for proceduresWaiting times for medical procedures are a problem across the country, but here locally, we’ve noticed that people are not getting clear updates about their wait times and the procedures themselves. We want to look into how and when patients are being informed while they’re waiting for their medical treatments. |
B. | Hospital transportSomerset's rural nature makes travelling to and from hospital appointments challenging for those unable to use standard transport. We aim to understand the experiences of people booking hospital transport and the service's communication with patients. |
C. | Transfer of Care/Discharge from hospital - excluding dementiaDuring 2024 people have shared with us the difficulties they have experienced when moving from the hospital to back home. We want to listen to patients and carers tell us what they need when leaving hospital. |
D. | Long wait for/no support for children and adolescents experiencing poor mental healthThe Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Somerset provides mental health evaluations, support for children and young people up to 18 years old, and can direct you to other helpful services. We aim to explore how help is given and what procedures are in place for those who do not qualify. |

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Healthwatch Somerset
Suite 12, Wellworthys Business Centre
Parrett Way
Colley Lane
Voting leaflet
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