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Oct 23, 2023
Are you struggling to see an NHS doctor in Somerset?
We are asking people to share their experience of booking face-to-face appointments with their GP to help improve access to GP services...

Sep 25, 2023
What’s your experience of NHS dental care in Somerset?
Share your feedback by 31 October 2023 to help improve access to NHS dentistry. We want to hear about your experiences of accessing NHS...

Apr 18, 2023
Improving access to mental health support for young people in Somerset
We've launched a new project with the aim of improving access to mental health support for young people and their families, guardians and...

Feb 22, 2021
What do you think about Somerset’s District Nursing Service? What works well and what could be improved?
We want to know what people think about the care they have received from Somerset’s District Nursing Service, to help the service develop...

Jul 14, 2020
Healthwatch Somerset launches #BecauseWeAllCare campaign
We have joined local and national health and care organisations calling on Somerset residents to give feedback about their care during...

Aug 14, 2019
There’s still time to give your views on Somerset’s 111 service
People in Somerset are being urged to give their views on using the county’s 111 non-emergency phone line. There’s just over two weeks...

May 15, 2019
Thank you: Over 260 people tell Healthwatch Somerset what they think would make the NHS better
Local people share their views about how they want local health services to improve. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has...
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