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Jan 20, 2020
Join the new virtual quality improvement panel at Dorothy House
Help shape the future of services for people living with a life-limiting illness. Dorothy House Hospice Care is looking for people who...

Jan 1, 2020
Make your voice count – Help shape the future of health and care services in Somerset
We are calling on local people to make sure their voice is heard and reflected in proposals being drawn up by Somerset NHS health and...

Dec 19, 2019
Local Board members wanted to help shape Somerset health and care
We are the county’s independent health and social care champion and are seeking people with a passion for seeing local health and social...

Nov 19, 2019
Dorothy House Hospice Care seeks to improve services for people with life-limiting illness
Dorothy House Hospice Care wants to hear from those with a life-limiting illness, their carers and families about what Day Services they...

Oct 23, 2019
Hundreds share how they look for help when ill in Somerset
People in Somerset looking for health advice and support want to see better access to their GP to get the information they need, rather...

Sep 8, 2019
Healthwatch calls on health professionals in Somerset to enable new parents to talk about mental health
As the independent health and social care champion for Somerset, we are calling on local services to make more space for new parents in...

Aug 27, 2019
Do you or someone you care for use NHS special care dental services in the South West?
The UK’s largest independent regulator of official statistics wants to hear from patients, carers and their families about how they...

Aug 14, 2019
There’s still time to give your views on Somerset’s 111 service
People in Somerset are being urged to give their views on using the county’s 111 non-emergency phone line. There’s just over two weeks...

Jul 31, 2019
How easy is it to access support and advice to help you stay happy & healthy in Somerset?
People in Somerset are being asked to share how they access information, support and advice when they are ill, looking after someone or...

Jul 22, 2019
The top four things people in Somerset would like to see improved in local NHS services
Hundreds of people in Somerset have shared their views on how to improve NHS health services in the county. Quicker and easier access to...

Jul 8, 2019
Health visitor still the first point of call when parents of young children need advice and support – new report reveals
Parents of young children still prefer to ask their health visitor or GP surgery for health advice and support rather than go to Facebook...

Jun 27, 2019
People’s real-life experiences of health and social care services in Somerset set out in new report
More than 1,800 people have shared their views on the county’s GP surgeries, hospitals and social care over the last year with us –...

May 28, 2019
Healthwatch says thank you to volunteers who help to shape local health and care in Somerset
We will be celebrating the difference volunteers make to the local community during this year’s Volunteers’ Week, which runs from 1-7...

May 15, 2019
Thank you: Over 260 people tell Healthwatch Somerset what they think would make the NHS better
Local people share their views about how they want local health services to improve. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has...

May 14, 2019
Help people with their final wishes for health care – says Somerset man
Health and social services should openly talk about end of life care and the wishes of patients – says Healthwatch Somerset volunteer...

Apr 29, 2019
Somerset’s adult safeguarding service to be improved based on new feedback
New feedback gathered by us on the county’s Adult Safeguarding service will be used to improve it for the future. Better communication...

Apr 28, 2019
How does living in a rural area affect access to healthcare?
One man shares his views about how NHS services where he lives should change. A man from Somerset who has been battling cancer for over...

Apr 14, 2019
Roadshow finishes with more than 400 views on health and care services in Somerset
Our roadshow, which travelled almost 260 miles around Somerset to find out the views of local people on health and care services, has...

Apr 10, 2019
NHS figures reveal more people with dementia are being admitted to A&E in Somerset
More people with dementia are being rushed to hospital emergency departments in Somerset, according to NHS statistics. The rate of...

Apr 1, 2019
Share your views on NHS services for those with learning disabilities and autism in Somerset
Hundreds of children have learning disabilities and autism in Somerset and now families are being asked to help shape local NHS services...
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