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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch Somerset

Share your stories to help health services adapt during coronavirus

We have launched a new survey asking local people to share their stories to help identify how health and care services are adapting and working well during the coronavirus outbreak, and to highlight common challenges that need to be addressed.

Young woman holding a Healthwatch campaign sign that reads'It starts with you'. She is smiling and standing in a building foyer.

The survey [now closed] gives local people an opportunity to anonymously share their views and experiences of how coronavirus has changed the way they access services.  We will review this public feedback and report back to those in charge of health and care services to help them learn and adapt, now and in the future when the virus outbreak has passed.

Healthwatch Somerset Manager, Hannah Gray, explained the aim of the survey:

“We recognise that public feedback is essential to influence positive change in local health and social care services, this includes how to effectively manage services and deliver support during exceptionally challenging times.
“The enormous pressure placed on services due to the coronavirus is likely to impact on how people get the care and support they need, particularly if they have regular care needs. Also, people are likely to have different experiences depending on their needs and the severity of their symptoms. We are asking people to share their stories so that we can help our amazing, dedicated health and care professionals to understand how best to adapt and manage services in these difficult crcumstances.”


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