1. Report -

    We gathered the views of those currently using the District Nursing Service. We wanted to know what the current strengths and weaknesses were in the delivery of the service to patients in Somerset.
  2. Report -

    Sharing young people’s feedback to improve the health and social care services they use.
  3. Report -

    Somerset’s NHS leaders asked us to help them understand how people are being affected by waiting for surgery to inform their ongoing work to improve support for patients.
  4. Report -

    People who use NHS 111 in Devon and Somerset have reported ongoing concerns about the quality of the service, with the most common complaints being about long waiting times and difficulty getting through on the phone.
  5. Report -

    The aim of this project was to gather the views of people living in West Somerset about same day urgent care. Somerset NHS Clinical Commissioning Group asked us to carry out this work as part of a review into how urgent care is provided in Somerset.
  6. Report -

    We wanted to understand how the use of digital services by GPs, particularly websites, is affecting the way people access the information and care they need.
  7. Report -

    We wanted to explore the quality of the transfer of care process in Somerset and use the experiences of people who have been discharged from hospital with ongoing care needs to guide improvements in the process.
  8. News -

    Last year, we supported over 4,370 people to have their say on health and social care and to get information and advice about local services.
  9. News -

    Our new community project asks people in Bridgwater to get involved to improve the health and wellbeing of those living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
  10. News -

    Our new report looks at people’s experiences of using GP websites to access healthcare services and information, highlighting that improvements are needed to make it easier for more people to get good care and support online.
  11. News -

    The NHS is reviewing how it provides Same Day Urgent Care in Somerset, and we want to hear your views to help shape and improve access to services in the future.
  12. News -

    Last year (April 2021-March 2022), we supported almost 2,900 people to have their say on health and social care and to get the right information and advice about local services.
  13. News -

    As Somerset’s new Integrated Care System (ICS) becomes a statutory body and formally starts work on 1 July 2022, we look forward to a productive partnership to make care better.
  14. Blog -

    Information and advice from Healthwatch England, September 2021
  15. Blog -

    By Tanya Camberwell, Healthwatch Somerset Engagement Officer
  16. Blog -

    By Gillian Keniston-Goble, Healthwatch Somerset Manager
  17. Blog -

    Information and advice from Somerset NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, May 2022
  18. News -

    A new survey of public attitudes to NHS dentistry shows that half of the adults in England find dental charges unfair amid escalating living costs.
  19. News -

    We are investigating people’s experiences of using GP websites to get health and wellbeing information and support.
  20. News -

    People who use NHS 111 in Devon and Somerset have reported ongoing concerns about the quality of the service, with the most common complaints being about long waiting times and difficulty getting through on the phone.
  21. News -

    In our recent survey, patients who are waiting for planned surgery in Somerset reported a lack of communication from hospitals and many felt their health and wellbeing had deteriorated while waiting for treatment.
  22. News -

    A new public survey has been launched to find out more about local people’s experiences of using the NHS 111 service in the region.
  23. News -

    Millions of people have had their treatment delayed by the pandemic – are you one of them?
  24. News -

    As the number of patients waiting for surgery continues to grow, nationally and in southwest England, we are asking people about their experiences of being referred for surgery in Somerset and how they have been affected by waiting times.
  25. News -

    Over the last year (April 2020 to March 2021), during the pandemic, 2,387 Somerset residents shared their feedback on the county’s health and social care services with us or sought information and advice on how to access the care and support they needed.
  26. News -

    A joint report released today by a group of local Healthwatch in the South West, shows that although the NHS 111 service in Somerset and Devon is rated highly by the public, there are inconsistencies in the quality of the service.
  27. News -

    Our new report out today reveals local people’s experiences of health and social care during the first six months of COVID-19.
  28. News -

    A new public survey has been launched to find out more about local people’s experiences of using the NHS 111 service in the region.
  29. News -

    Over the last year, more than 1,400 people shared their views on the county’s health and social care services with us, helping to make care better for local people.
  30. News -

    We can help health and social care organisations to communicate clearly and effectively with local people about the coronavirus and the impact on services and support.
  31. News -

    We are calling on local people to make sure their voice is heard and reflected in proposals being drawn up by Somerset NHS health and care services, for changes to community-based services and non-emergency care.
  32. News -

    People in Somerset looking for health advice and support want to see better access to their GP to get the information they need, rather than looking online for help.
  33. News -

    Parents of young children still prefer to ask their health visitor or GP surgery for health advice and support rather than go to Facebook or consult their Red Book – according to the findings of our survey published today.
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    More than 1,800 people have shared their views on the county’s GP surgeries, hospitals and social care over the last year with us – helping to shape and improve those services for all.
  35. News -

    Local people share their views about how they want local health services to improve.
  36. News -

    Health and social services should openly talk about end of life care and the wishes of patients – says Healthwatch Somerset volunteer Steve.
  37. News -

    More people with dementia are being rushed to hospital emergency departments in Somerset, according to NHS statistics.
  38. News -

    Parents of young children in Somerset are being asked to share their views and experiences about the health visiting services they have received in the County, to help shape the service going forward.
  39. News -

    Have your say on the future of health and social care in Somerset – by joining a new Public and Patient People’s Panel.
  40. News -

    The health and care issues affecting children and young people in Somerset have been the focus of our recent work.
  41. News -

    We will be monitoring the progress of a new strategy, launched this month by Somerset’s Health and Wellbeing Board.
  42. News -

    We are calling for the NHS non-emergency phone line to provide better communication with the public.
  43. News -

    People in Somerset are being urged to give their views on using the county’s 111 non-emergency phone line.
  44. News -

    People in Somerset are being asked for their views on using the county’s 111 non-emergency phone line.
  45. News -

    As the county’s independent health and care champion, we welcome news a new provider will run the out-of-hours GP services in the county.
  46. News -

    People in Somerset will be given a strong voice to air their views on health and care services in the county – thanks to plans by Evolving Communities, the new provider of the local Healthwatch service.
  47. News -

    Together with NHS Somerset, we are shining a spotlight on patient and family engagement for safer care across Somerset for World Patient Safety Day on 17 September.
  48. Advice and Information -

    The cost of living crisis has put many people under financial strain, and prescription costs are more than some can afford. Find out what help is out there to help you cover the cost of your medication.
  49. Advice and Information -

    The wait for planned medical care or surgery can be frustrating. That’s why you must get regular and accessible updates while you wait.